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the 28/07/2015 at 20:03 (web)
I can create a sub-domain easy enough like: https://blastfm.net/vox/
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the 28/07/2015 at 20:03 (web)
@marklanerocks Yeah and here's the problem, I read that airtime can't be installed on a sub-domain, so each station has it's own domain
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the 28/07/2015 at 19:39 (web)
@marklanerocks It's quite easy, we just create a subdomain with the radio station software on it...I think it should be ok
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the 28/07/2015 at 19:04 (web)
@marklanerocks I don't think that's a problem
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the 28/07/2015 at 19:01 (web)
@marklanerocks Last week I re-installed the radio software and made a backup of a blank system so I have the setup for it
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the 28/07/2015 at 18:41 (web)
Yeah I've been busy today, we are almost ready for signups now smile
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the 28/07/2015 at 18:36 (web)
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the 28/07/2015 at 18:36 (web)
@marklanerocks Oh sorry to hear that sad
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the 28/07/2015 at 18:12 (web)
I've also made a complete backup of the server today
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the 28/07/2015 at 18:10 (web)
I have setup a Paypal business account with an email address for payments. All emails are forwarded to admins@blastfm.uk so we both get them
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the 28/07/2015 at 16:49 (web)
The email server is located at: https://blastfm.net/squirrelmail but that's not fully set up yet
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the 28/07/2015 at 16:47 (web)
You can now also log in to the database management system (PHPMyadmin) at https://blastfm.net/phpmyadmin you can guess the login details smile
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the 28/07/2015 at 16:00 (web)
I am loving the new billing system and client area smile
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the 28/07/2015 at 15:24 (web)
We could also do with a darker image for light backgrounds if you get a chance
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the 28/07/2015 at 14:33 (web)
We need a Paypal address for payments now too
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the 28/07/2015 at 14:29 (web)
We are getting closer to launch now, most things are in place smile
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the 28/07/2015 at 14:25 (web)
We have also got a proper SSL certificate running on the domain now
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the 28/07/2015 at 14:14 (web)
@marklanerocks It's fixed now smile
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the 28/07/2015 at 14:11 (web)
@marklanerocks I am now waiting for them to issue the license, no idea how long that will take...
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the 28/07/2015 at 14:09 (web)
@marklanerocks There is a catch in there, if you use the open source version as we are, you need a pro license
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the 28/07/2015 at 14:06 (web)
@marklanerocks I've paid for six months so we are good for a while
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the 28/07/2015 at 14:05 (web)
Well I am now getting a message saying that the license is invalid so it looks like 5 bucks a month it is, great software and worth it
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the 28/07/2015 at 10:52 (web)
I need to get you in there to beautify it now lol
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the 28/07/2015 at 10:51 (web)
Some good news today, I've got the new billing system running as a free version for now, it should do what we need even free I think
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the 28/07/2015 at 04:58 (web)
@marklanerocks Well it's actually more than that, it's a crafty bit of wording, it's five bucks per month basically but still good

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Name Andy Courcier
Web https://BlastFMSocial.media
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Since 23/04/2015
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